By James Hall, Consumer Affairs Editor7:00AM GMT 15 Feb 2012
Article from The Telegraph
Homeowners who switch energy suppliers via roving salesmen in supermarkets and shopping centres could be worse off by over £300 a year, according to undercover research by Which?.
Which? says that salesmen in supermarkets and shopping centres are quoting misleading prices Photo: GETTY
The consumer group found that clipboard-wielding salesmen from some of the UK’s biggest energy companies are promising annual savings of up to £142 on gas and electricity bills when they stop shoppers.
However Which? said that customers who switch would actually end up paying between £39 and £340 more each year.
The group carried out an investigation in shopping centres and supermarkets across the UK in November. Its undercover researchers spoke to five salesmen from M&S Energy, four from Sainsbury’s Energy, three from EDF Energy and one from E.ON.
The salesmen quoted annual savings of between £20 and £142, when actually homeowners would end up paying hundreds of pounds more, it was claimed.
For example Which? said that salesmen for Sainsbury’s Energy, which is provided to the supermarket by British Gas, were promising annual savings on a standard tariff of between £43 and £68. However Which? found that a consumer would actually be between £299 and £311 worse off if they switched.
Likewise salesmen for M&S Energy, which is provided by SSE, were promising savings of between £20 and £46 on a standard tariff, when switching would actually cost between £70 and £95 more.
The reason for the discrepancy is because the salesmen based their quotes on the assumption that all customers are on expensive standard tariffs, Which? said. In fact, many consumers are on far cheaper tariffs.
Richard Lloyd, executive director at Which?, said: “It’s simply not good enough for energy salespeople to be quoting misleading individual savings to people who sign up to switch in supermarkets. It is little wonder that trust in the sector is so low.”
Shopper Don Paddon said that he was approached in a branch of Sainsbury’s by a rep who claimed that he could save £240 a year and get triple Nectar loyalty points for switching. However Mr Paddon said that he went home to find that his existing provider was the cheapest option available.
He cancelled his switch.
Spokesmen for Sainsbury’s Energy and M&S Energy said that Which?’s mystery shoppers had not provided its salesmen with details of the precise tariffs they were on, or their levels of energy consumption. This means that that the quotes that shoppers were given were estimates.
“Our agents will clearly explain the basis of the estimate,” the spokesman for Sainsbury’s Energy said.
The M&S Energy spokesman added that customers who switch have a two-week “cooling off period”.
An EDF spokesman said that the company is committed to being “open and honest” with customers.
A spokesman for E.ON said that the company is carrying out a review to examine every aspect of its relationship with its customers.
Around 80,000 people have so far signed up to Which?’s Big Switch group-buying campaign, which will ask large energy suppliers to offer the cheapest price to consumers.
Article from The Telegraph
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